Is It Possible To Connect Firestick to Google Home?

Within their respective apps, your Fire Stick and Google Home speaker will not recognize each other.

It’s feasible to get both the gadgets to cooperate in some way if you’re seeking a fun party trick because both the devices can be connected because they have Bluetooth capabilities. 

Make sure your Google Home is turned on and in pairing mode before proceeding. The voice instruction “OK Google, Bluetooth pairing” will make it discoverable.

It will be accessible by adjacent devices for a few minutes after it acknowledges the instruction.

This may also be done via the Google Home app. Go to the app’s Settings and navigate to “Paired Bluetooth Devices.”

To initiate the Google Home for pairing, hit “Enable Pairing Mode” on the Devices page.

Open your Fire TV and use the instructions indicated below once the Google Home is ready.

  • By tapping the “Home” button, you may access the “Settings” panel.
  • By navigating through the choices, you may find “Controllers and Bluetooth Devices.”
  • The Controllers section should provide a listing of all nearby accessible devices. Identify the Google Home by typing in the username you assigned it. Enable it to reconnect to the Fire TV by activating it.

There are good and bad things if you bought a Fire TV in the hopes of using it with your Google Home or vice versa.

Google Home can operate your Fire TV device in a limited way. However, that control will be severely restricted, with just the most basic instructions being acknowledged.

You should purchase the branded version of either of those gadgets if you want to improve your experience with them.

Alexa will be the voice assistant for Fire TV (and the newer Fire TV models even have it built into the remote). You’ll need a Chromecast device to use Google Home.

If you like what Google Home has to offer on the Fire TV, go ahead and use it.

Don’t forget to check out our guide on using multiple fire sticks in one house!