Very Common August Lock Issues

Even though August locks are very effective and make the process very seamless, a lot of customers have been facing August lock issues such as wrong lock state, wifi not working, or authorization prompts.

With the aid of its smartphone application, August smart locks allow users to monitor their houses remotely. The setup process is straightforward, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

However, here are a few frequent difficulties you may encounter while using August Locks, as well as how to fix them.

August Lock Issues And Their Troubleshooting

Wrong Lock State

When you connect the August smart lock to the application after setup, the application displays the erroneous lock state.

In that instance, the application will show that the August lock is secured even though it is not.

It might also be due to certain calibration difficulties, which you can resolve by recalibrating the smart lock.

Launch the app on the smartphone, navigate to the lock that isn’t working, press lock settings, and scroll to the bottom to the “Calibrate Lock” option.

Thereafter, follow the directions in the application to finish the calibration procedure. After it has been properly calibrated, launch the application and verify the lock condition once more.

This procedure will almost certainly solve your problem.

The Wifi Is Not Working.

The lock’s inability to connect to wifi is a typical issue that most users encounter. Here are several fast remedies you may try to solve this problem.

As practically every smart home gadget requires a 2.4GHz connection and cannot connect to 5GHz wifi, ensure that your wifi is configured to 2.4 GHz and not 5 GHz.

If you still can’t connect to wifi, it’s very probable that you’re not entering your credentials appropriately. While attempting to gain access to the network, double-check capital letters.

Finally, check sure your smartphone’s Bluetooth is turned on. Because the lock requires Bluetooth to be turned on in the smartphone in order to link to wifi, the connection would be lost if it is not.

It’s also possible that the router is too far away from the lock, and the lock is having some trouble reconnecting to wifi because of insufficient signal strength.

Authorization Error 401

This error happens when the customer fails to approve his account during the lost password procedure. This should not allow you to reset the passcode or log in to the gadget.

The major cause of this problem is that consumers utilize a different email address than when they had to register the gadget.

And that is why, when they attempt to reset the password and enter a different email, the lock doesn’t quite check the new email because it had not generally been associated with the gadget.

Therefore, try a different email address or enter your mobile number to reset the password.

You should receive an SMS on the smartphone with a number that will allow you to reset the password.

If the issue persists, call customer service and describe your situation so that a specialist can assist you.

Mechanical Problems

The operator may overtighten the screws throughout installation, causing the motor to cease operating. This eventually renders your lock useless.

If you’re having trouble using a key and are experiencing similar problems, it’s possible that you’ve overtightened the screws.

First, remove the mounting plate’s lockout and loosen the screws a little to remedy this. After that, replace the lock and see whether the problem has been resolved.

So if you’re experiencing mechanical problems, it’s possible that your lock is defective and has to be changed.

However, if your warranty is still valid, you could get a replacement order by contacting the August service team.